Energy upstream
A volatile energy industry requires capital providers with experience
We focus on high-value added upstream investments, and we have the capacity and appetite to invest in all levels of the capital structure with no fund holding requirements.
Energy upstream
A volatile energy industry requires capital providers with experience
We focus on high-value added upstream investments, and we have the capacity and appetite to invest in all levels of the capital structure with no fund holding requirements.
Providing experience and capital for exploration and production
Our experienced investment team of industry leaders has proven track records and a sophisticated understanding of the upstream sector. We target economically durable assets and basins, with core knowledge of local and regulatory frameworks and experienced management teams.
Typical size, structure, uses, and benefits ▼
Typical size
- Senior debt: $10 million - $300+ million
- Subordinated debt: $10 million - $100+ million
- Preferred equity: $10 million - $50+ million
Typical uses
- Debt Refinancing
- Debt Diversification
- Expansion and Growth Capital
- Acquisitions
- Stock buyback / recapitalization
Structural characteristics
- Fixed / floating rate
- Unsecured / secured
- Maturities of 3 to 30+ years
- Amortizing or bullet maturities
- Senior debt, alongside subordinated debt / equity (if needed), for a seamless solution with a single, relationship-oriented capital provider
Issuer benefits
- Supportive, patient, relationship-oriented partner
- Deep pockets to provide follow-on capital to fund your future growth
- Understanding the complexities of your particular business
- Capacity to fund across your capital structure with senior debt, subordinated debt, and preferred equity
- Deep expertise in the upstream sector